Thanks so much for your interest in adopting!
Our adoption process is a little different than most. We aren’t your typical shelter and these aren’t your typical dogs. Get ready for an incredible experience as we tell you their story, learn your story and help you find your match! These dogs come with amazing stories of triumph, months of training and a team of people cheering you on! Our adopters end up becoming part of the family and we provide support in a variety of ways for the life of the dog. Below is a general guideline of what you can expect as you embark on this journey with us. Thank you for giving an opportunity to a dog that would have otherwise been a statistic.
Adoptable cats coming soon in 2023.

First Step in Adopting
Our adoption team are excited to learn about you and show you some great doggie options! They’ll bring out a few different dogs so you can get an idea of different sizes, temperaments and varying looks. They know our dogs well so they’ll be able to answer your questions, get your feedback and help narrow it down for your family! We will be in touch; however, please give us time.
Second Step in Adopting
With your narrowed down options, you’ll get a personal conversation in which we share the story and history of the dog, what their needs are and what they have requested in their next home. We are honest and open about each dog. We’ll share their strengths, what motivates them and what they love. We’ll also share information about what they may not like, sensitivities or areas they may need improvement. Based on this conversation, you’ll have a really good idea how you want to proceed. Didn’t find what you are looking for? Not only do we have many more options (dogs that don’t live here) we are also connected to many other rescues and shelters and will be happy to point you in the right direction. This step is critical. We’ve made some big promises to our dogs after all they’ve been through so it’s important that we get it right. On this visit, we set a plan so we can keep things moving and stay on track! Some are ready to go home now, others are ready to begin the transition to home.
Last Step in Adopting
This is the transition to home. Some dogs can go home quickly. Others may need more time to get to know you and other pets/children in the home. Some of our dogs will even ask our team to bring you out on the trails so they can show you how they play or respond to other animals. This is important for you to see and experience, so you know exactly what you are getting. We want you to be successful at home! Every dog is different. Every adopter is different. This is the stage where we work WITH you to transition the dog home. Whatever it takes! Maybe it’s another visit, more bonding time, a play date at your house or even one on one time out on the trails so they can learn your energy and movements. How long does this take? Well, it’s totally up to the dog. Not us. We will read the dog and know when they are ready. Most of our dogs have been through multiple shelters or multiple owners. Our goal is that by the time adoption day comes, it’s a fun adventure for them with someone they know and have built a relationship with, not the stress of “another” environment “another” change. We want you both happy!